Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Brazil 2012

It's been two weeks since we arrived home from Brazil.  There are several reasons for the delay in blogging.  The primary reason is due to the need to just catch up on day-to-day life.  But the other reason is that it's just hard to convey what we experienced and what we learned.  It's much easier to do that face to face and hopefully we'll have the opportunity to do that with many of you.  If you're interested in seeing more pictures of our trip, there are many pictures posted on the trip blog - fhbcbrazil2012.blogspot.com. Here are a few pictures of Zachary in Brazil.  Thanks for those who prayed - He did great!  He was very well loved by the Brazilians! 
 Our team as we prepared to leave from the Chicago airport.
 Enjoying a bit of "Daddy time"
 Enjoying some attention from a few campers
 Allowing a gecko to crawl on his arm

 Painting Aunt Kelly's face
 New friends
 Swimming with Daddy at camp
 Many hours spent playing carpetball with the campers
 More "ball time" with a camper
 Another new friend
 Swimming in the ocean
A good-bye gift - a new ball

1 comment:

Susanna said...

Thanks for the pics! I'm sure words are inadequate to describe what you experienced/saw/felt... Praying for you as you process it all and return to "normal" life. :)