Monday, May 23, 2011

How I Spend My Time These Days

For all my relatives and friends out there who eagerly await new blog posts and wonder why I've been slacking recently. . . here are a few pictures explaining how I spend most of my time these days. . . cleaning up our DVD cabinet (yes, this is a "no-no")

re-stocking our pantry

cleaning up spilt crayons

restocking our diaper bin

re-filling up our wipe tubs

and, once again, organizing our DVD cabinet (and, yes, this is still a "no-no")

putting back our remote controls (you guessed it. . . another "no-no"). But isn't this such a loveable face??!! Grandma and Grandpa Petersen bought this shirt for Zachary. It says "My Mom Loves Me". This is supposed to remind me that I truly do love my son. . . even after days of cleaning up repeated messes (and lots of discipling in between!). And I truly wouldn't trade this clean-up job for anything!! I am truly blessed. . . Thank-you God!

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